. There's a sourcefourge project, basically dedicated to allowing you to get the latest version of Firefox when running Ubuntu, no matter which version you run as long. Aug 03, 2015Installing the new plugin. Firefox and SeaMonkey users on Windows XP and above can install the Windows Media Player Firefox Plugin provided by Microsoft. What is a plugin? Plugins power videos, animation and games They're built outside of Firefox by companies like Adobe Systems and Apple Plugins don't always update , a friendly and active Linux Community. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. By joining our community you will have the ability to. . Many websites require the Adobe Flash Player plugin to display videos and games. Learn how to install the Flash plugin for Firefox.. Browse and download thousands of apps for your Mac from your Mac. Shop for apps by category, read user reviews, and buy.... Install Plugins In Firefox. Open a new browser window using Firefox. Go to the Firefox plugins Web page see Resources below. Browse through the list of plugins. Description: Firefox delivers safe, easy web browsing. a familiar user interface, enhanced security features including protection from online identity theft, and. We blogged last year about our effort to unify Firefox Developer tools and Firebug and weve made good progress since then. Now its time for the next step. How to Access Remote VNC Desktop from Web Browser Using TightVNC Java Viewer. by Ravi Saive Published: July 24, 2013 Last Updated: January 7, 2015.